Notification of Limited Account Access RXI091
From: PayPal (
Sent: December 30, 2009
Dear Paypal member:
We were unable to process your most recent payment. Did you recently change your bank, phone number or credit card?.
To ensure that your service is not interrupted, please update your billing information today.
Click on the link below .
(link deleted
Or contact Paypal Member Services Team. We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have recently updated your billing information, please disregard this message as we are processing the changes you have made.
* Originator Identification Number: 679848
* Reference Number: 47WJ2222U6JR4
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences.
Header Analysis
The following IP addresses were extracted from your headers:
IP Address Probable Country211.166.10.142 China (Beijing) Italy (Rome)
* The last IP listed is usually the originating IP address
Oh yeah, the response from PayPal security is:
RE: FW: Notification of Limited Account Access RXI091 (KMM4868863I15977L0KM)
From: (
Sent: December 30, 2009
Hello W
Thanks for forwarding that suspicious-looking email. You're right - it
was a phishing attempt, and we're working on stopping the fraud. By
reporting the problem, you've made a difference!
Identity thieves try to trick you into revealing your password or other
personal information through phishing emails and fake websites. To learn
more about online safety, click "Security Center" on any PayPal webpage.
Every email counts. When you forward suspicious-looking emails to, you help keep yourself and others safe from identity
Your account security is very important to us, so we appreciate your
extra effort.