Sunday, October 4, 2009

Such a lucky ducky....

G'wan ~ just google the phone number in this scammy bit. It'll provide you with oodles of reading on scams. :)

You Have Won 470,000 Euros‏

From: Euro Milliones Promotion Center. (
Sent: September 27, 2009 4:33:31 AM

Attn Web/Internet user!!!

This is to notify you that your email address was entered
during the annual Euro Milliones Lottery selection Draw and
have won the sum of 470,000 euros.

Contact below claim officer on e-mail for immediate process
of your claim; Remember to quote these numbers below for
verification by the company.

REF: ESP/WIN/008/02/10/MA
BATCH: EURO/1007/444/606/09

You should include Your Name, Address, Age, Occupation,
Nationality and Phone numbers.

Mr. ANTONIO GUZMAN (Claim Officer)
Tel: 0034634151884

Best regards,
Dr. Maria Jose Muyor.
Euro Milliones Lottery

This email is confidential and is intended solely for the
person or Entity that own the email address. If you have
received this message in error, we inform you that the
content in it is reserved and unauthorized use is prohibited
by law,therefore, please notify us by e-mail.

So How Come?

My photo
I have two blogs at the moment - Here Be Dragons which is devoted to rental scams primarily sourced through Craigslist although the proliferation of free ad sites has widened the hunting grounds. Many additions come from other sources (ie: blogs/anti-scam sites/online community ad sites) or are provided by people who want to share their experiences. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch is for copies of scammail that I find in my mailboxes ~ sometimes I can't resist the odd acerbic comment but for the most part I post 'em because the more that people do, the fewer fools they get to gull. Dunno what to say about me that would be very interesting ~ I'm a granny who reads, gardens and crafts as the mood strikes me. :) I don't particularly care for the social predators on this planet and this blog is part of my way of saying so.